MOBOX took in CeBIT conference in Hannover

MOBOX took in CeBIT conference in Hannover

Published 25.07.18

Hello Cebit 2018

A few months ago took place the most important technological gathering in Europe, the CeBIT in Hannover, which MOBOX attended.

Like the year before, MOBOX took in the conference to feel and hear the innovative crowd and speak to many ERP, CRM software developers and AR/VR, ioT specialists.

VR & AR technology on Cebit 2018

Key topics

The current trends in the industry were given room and application examples were shown on a large scale. Robotics, business intelligence and big data were frequently discussed. However AI (artificial intelligence) and IoT (Internet of Things) were the main topics discussed. Software related to these two dominated the conference.

Future of Taxi on Cebit 2018

In the future, AI will increasingly ensure the automation of intelligent, machine-based behavior, creating human-like decision-making structures that can make customer-oriented predeterminations when dealing with large data sets.

Passenger drone Volocopter 2x on Cebit 2018

This intelligent data processing will also find its way into the events industry. The potential behind the new information technology processes not only serves to improve customer journeys, but also the handling of CRM systems. Trade fairs and event centers have a large number of different customers, participants and exhibitors, whose needs can be perfectly met with intelligent data analysis.

Evolution of CeBIT

Our experience on CeBIT this year outmatches all the previous ones. That’s because the Hanover fairgrounds have been being transformed into a modern festival with food trucks, performances from famous musicians, and a giant ferris wheel!

To crown it all, one could listen to public expert discussions, join in workshops and even watch World Cup 2018.

See you on the next year!

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